Riga’s Art Nouveau

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Explore the most mysterious architectural style of all time: Art Nouveau! Like a symphony carved in stone, this movement speaks a distinct poetic language. By the end of this fun city game, you’ll be speaking it fluently.

Home to around 800 UNESCO “Jugendstil” buildings, Riga is the capital of European Art Nouveau. On this amazing adventure, you will visit some of the most spectacular examples, such as: Alberta Iela, the first Art Nouveau building ever built in Riga, and the house with bees.
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  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families

Places you will visit


It will take you

61-91 mins

You will walk

5250 steps

Total distance

4 km


  • Discover personal dramas behind Art Nouveau masks.

  • Learn the secret language of flowers.


You are Valdis, a stonemason with the soul of an artist. You are so enraptured by your latest project - to sculpt the form of a woman onto the facade of a rich man’s Art Nouveau home - that you find yourself sculpting away late into the night. You feel such a peculiar connection with this piece, almost as if you are sculpting your dream woman into life… you gaze up at her beautiful moonlit face in awe.

You reach up a hand to brush loose powder from her cheek. 
Suddenly, she sneezes...

Game route

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How does a
game look like?

  • Discover new places

    As you walk and tour around the city, you will visit new cool places.

  • Solve puzzles, crack riddles

    You will test your wits and exploring abilities with fun challenges.

  • Learn fun history

    Each place comes with its own bit of history that you'll discover as you walk.

  • Role-play

    Put yourself in the shoes of a famous fictional character and play out their story.


Amber Bergsma
2030 XP