5 (11 reviews)
Quest image more than 2
Play a city game where you follow clues and solve puzzles to retrace the steps of the fishermen, pearl-drivers, weavers and tradesmen that once came to trade in Dubai. As you wander through the sikkas, pedestrian streets, and marina that lines the water's edge, you discover iconic landmarks and fascinating local stories.

Are you ready to time-travel in Dubai?
No booking needed. Just download the app, add it to your quests and start playing.

Places you will visit


It will take you

22-52 mins

You will walk

3940 steps

Total distance

3 km


  • Do a treasure hunt playing the role of a character

  • Solve challenges around and find clues around you

  • Find out real stories about the places you visit

  • Exercise while having fun


You’re a travel enthusiast who has been keeping secret a unique, magical carpet for a long time: a flying, time-travelling rug! You go back to the beginning of the 20th century, but the carpet soon disappears from your hiding place...

Since it only follows your command, you suspect some tradesmen from the old neighbourhood of Dubai. They might have been desperate to get their hands on it in order to sell it for a high price. You start a chase to retrieve the carpet.
People exploring Glasgow with Questo

Get the app and you're all set

Download it, choose your route and just walk to the starting point.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

How does a
game look like?

  • Discover new places

    As you walk and tour around the city, you will visit new cool places.

  • Solve puzzles, crack riddles

    You will test your wits and exploring abilities with fun challenges.

  • Learn fun history

    Each place comes with its own bit of history that you'll discover as you walk.

  • Role-play

    Put yourself in the shoes of a famous fictional character and play out their story.



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Monica Chandnani Kadam

02 Dec 2020
This was fun! My 7 year old enjoyed figuring it out too.

Manas Sahoo

27 Nov 2020

Renate Gorissen

24 Nov 2020
It was a lot of fun to do. Even tagged my 81 yrs old mum along

Monique Gorissen

24 Nov 2020
Great walk even for an 81 year old

Andrea D'cunha

20 Nov 2020
please do more of these in areas with free Internet like here at Al Seef. thanks for the experience!


Rania Shaikh
1228 XP
1162 XP
loredan zbanca
1150 XP